An evaluation standard that adapts to each context

One of the characteristics of civic innovation is its adaptation and sensitivity to the local context in which it is developed. Civímetro follows the same philosophy:

The key pieces to connect certain initiatives with others are Civímetro’s dimensions.



Sources of Information

Data collection and analysis tools (coming soon)


Where Civímetro can be used

Civímetro has taken civic labs for reference, as these are the spaces where civic innovation is specifically promoted.

Nevertheless, its application is possible in any initiative that puts into practice the ways of doing things typical of civic innovation, from a program or project to a specific activity.

The field of evaluation for civic innovation is yet to be established and there are no specialised profiles within it.

Who can use Civímetro

All evaluation methodologies share practices and techniques that are necessary for an evaluation plan. This is why we recommend that a person with expertise in evaluation coordinate the implementation of Civímetro, for example in evaluation of public policies. In addition, it is essential that the evaluation team has experts in the field of civic innovation, activation and development of civic labs.

Relevant profiles for the evaluation team

Experience in defining formal structures for data analysis.

  • Economics

  • Mathematics / Statistics

Experience in the study and analysis of complex social groups and their dynamics.

  • Sociology

  • Anthropology

Request support

Civímetro offers the possibility to receive accompaniment and consulting for initiatives during the evaluation process. We can work with the evaluation expert on your team to help them become familiar with Civímetro methodology. Contact us at