Each aspect of every dimension is assigned at least three indicators (process, output and outcome). In addition, it is recommended to define one impact indicator per dimension. The graph illustrates the example of a dimension with three aspects.


A project working on the problem of the disappearance of small businesses in the urban centre of a provincial city is being evaluated. The team consists of members from the citizenry, local government and representatives of the private real estate sector. Two pilot programs will be launched next year, and the long-term goal is to draw conclusions on how to improve land use, urban mobility, and innovative policies to transform the urban centre into a vibrant community where citizens want to live, shop and interact with each other.

The definition of one of the dimensions could be as follows:

Dimension: Inclusive Community

Aspect 1

To facilitate the inclusion of individuals of different origin, age, sex, socio-economic level, as well as with physical, sensory and/or mental functional diversity.

Process Indicator

Existence of measures (protocols, action plan, incentives, etc.) for participation by diverse individuals who represent the community affected by the initiative.

Output Indicator

Degree of diversity on the teams who create the pilot programs.

Outcome Indicator

Specific figures on the diversity of the public that has interacted with the pilot programs initiated and of visitors to the urban centre after the pilots.

Aspect 2

To promote the creation of ties and close relationships among people in a space, work group, or project.

Process Indicator

Existence – for participants – of informal meeting spaces, common bond-building rituals, and informal communication channels.

Output Indicator

Frequency of use of meeting spaces during the initiative.

Outcome Indicator

Existence of relationships and interactions within the community related to the urban centre but not motivated by the promoters of the pilot programs.

Aspect 3

To promote the maintenance of human and relational capital created in the development of projects or activities after completion.

Process Indicator

Existence of communication channels promoted by the organization that remain active after completion of the initiative.

Output Indicator

Frequency of use of meeting spaces after completion of the initiative.

Outcome Indicator

New communities created by participants of the initiative but independently of the pilot programs.

Impact Indicator for Inclusive Community

Number of new communities active around the problem of the urban centre that have been created as a direct consequence of the pilot programs and not from other factors.